Saturday, November 29, 2014

Bamboo Biking

I usually spend biking around just near my place on weekend. Today is totally different! I bike with another bike…a bamboo bike!!! Bamboo biking is totally different but safe as it is made of not just an ordinary bamboo.

This is my buddy baby today and the rest of the bike in Bambike Tour in Intramuros.

The Bambike Tour in Intramuros was a relaxed but informative biking experience. I am not really fond of history but this made me review my history in a very fun way. The Bambike tour is a guided bamboo bike tour for historical sites around the walled city, Intramuros. It was a two and a half hours tour but it took us three hours because of the rain showers we encountered while biking. The rain shower is indeed a blessing in disguise because we got to get more information from Rey, our Bambike tour guide. Rey is a very friendly, sport and outdoor savvy, and most of all I would say a humorous but real good history teacher. I had a lot fun of re-learning. 

This picture is taken while Rey is sharing stories in the Puerto Real Gardens.

Among other places that we visited are San Agustine Church, Baluarte de San Diego gardens, Escuella Taller, Intendencia Ruins, and Fort Santiago. 

A tour in and on the walled city
Bambike is located at Plaza San Luis Complex near San Agustine Church. It was really worth the ride! I’ve got to really enjoy the informative fun ride and help Gawad Kalinga (GK) at the same time. GK is where part of the proceeds of the Bambike Tour goes.


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